Thursday, February 14, 2013

U.S. Rep. Stutzman Hopes National Debt is a Focus in State of the Union (with Video)

February 12, 2013 Updated Feb 12, 2013 at 5:53 PM EST

Washington D.C. ( ? President Obama will be addressing the nation Tuesday night for his State of the Union speech. That?s when he will touch on his plan for his second term agenda.

Gun control is expected to be a major component of the president's speech. But U.S. Congressman Marlin Stutzman hopes President Obama doesn't focus on gun control and instead focuses on the nation's debt.

Stutzman thinks the president should talk about the need for a deal in Washington D.C. to help get the nation out of debt.

Stutzman thinks assistance programs need to be evaluated and the government needs to trim spending in those areas. He also agrees with the president that the military can take cuts but disagrees with the idea of pulling troops from Afghanistan at this time.

?We need to be focusing on balancing the federal budget, which is a trillion dollars out of balance. And we also need to talk about how do we reduce our debt and those should be the priorities and focusing on how do we grow this economy. I think the president has lost focus,? said U.S. Rep. Marlin Stutzman, (R) 3rd District.

Meanwhile, as the President's Administration is focused on heightening laws around guns Stutzman has introduced legislation that would allow law abiding gun owners, with conceal and carry permits in their home states, to carry concealed weapons in other states.

"I believe that we should try to find some consistencies for gun owners as they travel around the country so they're not violating any law. It really is to eliminate confusion for both gun owners and law enforcement,? said Stutzman.

Although Congressman Stutzman is very passionate about his new bill he still hopes the president focuses more on the country?s debt in his State of the Union Address.

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